SUB Electric Outage Map

Please note this map is as of Tuesday, January 23 around 8:30am. This map reflects area where outages have been reported.  If you have not reported your outage, please call 541-726-2395.  We will make updates to the map as we receive more outage information. Please note orange indicates a large outage with many customers affected, yellow indicates a medium outage, and green shows areas with a smaller number outages. Click on the map to zoom in. Thank you!

Disclaimer: This map represents the total number of unique “no power” calls SUB has received since 1/13/24. This in no way serves as an indication of who currently does or does not have power. Use this map to confirm that SUB is aware of your outage call. SUB understands that some customers need to show that there is a record that they reported losing power to receive assistance from government agencies. Hopefully this map meets that need.