
Youth Education Programs

Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provides an annual grant to the Springfield School District that funds hands-on instruction in water and energy science. To learn more about the programs supported by SUB’s grant, visit The WELL Project (Water and Energy Learning Lab).

SUB’s WELL Project helps train new scientists every day. This award-winning grant program provides a comprehensive, hands-on curriculum that teaches water quality and electricity principles to grade school and high school students throughout Springfield. It also provides the funding necessary to help purchase supplies and materials for the administration of the curriculum.

Programs include water science curriculum materials, electric circuit kits, solar energy kits, a community water testing lab, and activities and materials aimed at instilling a love of science in the next generation.

For more information, contact SUB at (541) 744-3794 or view this video on the WELL Project:


SUB supports the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council’s youth education programs, which also deliver valuable, hands-on water quality curricula to the students from Springfield and the upstream communities of Pleasant Hill, Lowell, and Oakridge.

In addition to supporting these two keystone programs, SUB participates in Clean Water University and various special events and provides specially organized tours and presentations, so keep your eye out for us around town!

SUB’s Mural

7 Seconds of Science

7 Seconds of Science is a special project showcasing the joy of scientific discovery! This new program encourages local students to conduct a science-fair-type experiment and communicate it creatively via a short video, suitable for sharing on social media.

Download the 7 Seconds of Science Info Sheet (PDF).

Kid Zone Links

Energy Hog — Attention kids and fun-loving adults! Includes fun interactive games that teach how to get rid of energy hogs. Become an official Energy Hog Buster and print out your personalized certificate.

BPA Community and Education —Links to energy education resources for elementary and secondary students as well as teachers.

Home Advisor — Links for kids who’d like to learn more about how they can help conserve energy.